01 February 2011

Check list

Do you ever feel like there’s too much to do?  The funniest part about this feeling, for me, is that I’m really not that busy of a girl.  I work an average of 40 hours a week, and don’t have many responsibilities besides that. 

 I exercise when I want, write and read when I want, and clean when I want.  I take care of my dogs, call my family, see friends, and grocery shop when it’s convenient.  How do I fall asleep feeling like I’ve forgotten to do something, when I live such a relaxed life?

Tomorrow is my day off and I have a full day of writing (mostly), bathing my dogs, going for a run, and cleaning planned.  Hopefully it all gets done.  I’m going to have to make a check list to keep everything straight.

How do you get all the things done that you want to do? 

Also, huge shout out to the finalists in Nathan’s contest, read them at:  www.nathanbransford.com    I especially enjoyed Anonymous and Daniel Wheatley’s.  I absolutely would read a book with those as the first paragraphs.

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