30 September 2011

Crafty Me

I love crafts. I love being crafty...or at least, attempting to be crafty.

I told you guys I had a super secret awesome prize each week of the Warm Fuzzies blogfest (if you want more info and to sign up, go here ) and I'm finally ready to post a picture of it! I hope y'all like this because I've had fun making it.

Yes yes, it's a hand-made, home-bound journal! I had a ton of fun making this one and can't wait to get started on the others. If you want to win one of these babies, be sure to go to follow the link above and sign up for the fest!

For those of you wondering, I followed the easy instructions here . I've had some people ask if I could post pictures of the process of putting it together and I think I'll do that later this week :)

Since the blogfest is coming up in the next couple weeks, I'll be sure to post a more indepth article on what we'll be doing sometime very, very soon.

23 September 2011

It's all about Pictures, Y'all

I have been thinking recently about how much we put out there concerning our WIPs. I know a variety of writers who feel completely alright sharing any and all writing online and others who never talk about their WIPs.

I've always been okay posting my writing, but not with this most recent WIP. The best way I can put it is that I'm possessive over it. I'm keeping this very close to my heart and am hesitant to put anything about it online.

Because of this, I've had the idea that one of the weeks during the Warm Fuzzies Blogfest won't require you to put up a query/pitch/excerpt/summary of your WIP- none of that. Instead, it'll be all about pictures or music, your choice. I know that a lot of you keep folders of pictures and/or music that remind you of your WIP. So, start collecting and picking out the pieces you love most to showcase them during the fest.

If you still haven't signed up, go here and leave your e-mail. Of course, you're free to just jump in each of the weeks, also.

And, what do you think? Do you feel okay sharing your WIP online? I'm really curious to see what you think :)

19 September 2011


Rebecca Enzor of Stickynote Stories is hosting a My Little Ponies contest and everyone should go check it out!

The contest is to make a pony based on one of your own characters and the prize is to have the pony actually made! Eee!

I got so into the contest I ended up making three ponies:

Jacob is nice and tan because he lives in the desert. I'm in the middle of this WIP and don't want to give too much away, but I will tell you that Jacob's job has a lot to do with death- check out that cutie mark ;)

Kira is Jacob's leading lady. She too lives in the desert, but she burns easily and doesn't have that nice tan skin that Jacob does. She has the North Star for a cutie mark because she knows the stars like the back of her hand and uses them to navigate during the night. She's one mournful girl who needs a little happy in her life (cue Jacob).

This beauty is Farrah, the main character of my fantasy YA. She lives in a mountain (hence the cutie mark and pale skin). She's one tough cookie and takes her life and job very seriously (she's a bodyguard for the prince).

So, which one do you guys like? Which one do you think I should use in the contest??

(p.s. I stole the poll idea from Beth Revis who has some amazing ponies up on her blog too, go check 'em out.)

Also, I just found out I won second place in Rachael Harrie's flash fiction contest- the first part of her Campaigner Challenge. Y'all should have heard me squealing when I found out. I'm ridiculously proud of that piece. She's now my favorite and all my other WIP's are jealous :D

17 September 2011

No, it's not just our Imagination

If you haven't signed up for the Warm Fuzzies Blogfest yet, go check it out here! It's going to be awesome.

I read a short article the other day in a magazine (that I can't remember) that was based off of a study published in Psychological Science. I couldn't find the study (though I must admit, I didn't actually look that hard) but I was quite struck by what the article said and thought I'd share it with you all.

A study was conducted that basically said that we don't just read because it engages our creative mind, but that "readers get the same psychological benefits of belonging when immersed in plot as when part of a real-world group."

How cool is that??

We're happy when we read not just because our imaginations take us away to other worlds to meet new and exciting people, but that our brains react as if the books were real, that the people we read about are real.

I think that's pretty darn neat.

14 September 2011

Warm Fuzzies!

Details, details, because I know that's what you're looking for ;)

What is the Warm Fuzzies Blogfest? First and foremost, it's a celebration of who we are as writers! We all have doubts and moments where we struggle with our writing. Come join this blogfest for a pick me up and to connect with other writers who totally get it. Push aside the worries and focus on how awesome we all are :D

How will the blogfest work? There are four weeks during the fest. Each week there will be a different theme and prize. I'm still working out the kinks for the weekly contests and prizes but here are a few hints:

-How are our characters like us? Often, as writers, we get kicked when we're down. A query will be rejected at the same time as we encounter writers block or we'll lose a contest at the same time as getting back a negative critique. This week we'll get a few laughs by how bad our MC's have it. Because when we really look at it, being a writer really isn't that bad- at least we're not them ;)

-Did you make friends today? Just like in kindergarden, we'll make new friends! One week will be super interactive. You'll connect with other writers and write a creative piece of flash fiction together.

-What have you written that's given you the warm fuzzies? Everybody has a scene they've written that's given them the happy buzz. What's yours? We'll share our favorite moments in writing and celebrate how when it's good, it's reeeaaally good.

As for prizes, among others, I have a 30-page edit from an editor, a full blog makeover, and an artist who's up for creating a personalized illustration for your Warm Fuzzy scene for you. There's also a super secret prize lined up for each week.

So, how do you sign up? Stick your email in a comment on this post. That way I'll be able to shoot you an e-mail the week and day before the contest as a reminder.

*Tentitive start date is Monday, October 17th.

(P.S. You guys cracked me up on the last post! I'm still keeping my WIP a secret, but I'll let you know that yes, it does take place in the desert and yes there are dogs ;)

10 September 2011

I'm Giving Up Writing

Just kidding...but it made you look ;) I mean really, writing isn't something you can actually give up, is it.

*sigh* I can't think of a darn thing I want to post about today, so instead, I'm going to post some pictures that will hint as to what my current WIP is about.

Just try to put the hints together, I dare you!

(And NO cheating for those of you who actually know)

05 September 2011

The door swung open...

It's time for Rachael Harrie's first campaigner challenge! The challenge is to write a piece of flash fiction in 200 words or less. The first words need to be, "The door swung open." For an additional challenge, include the words, "The door swung shug," at the end. AND for an even greater challenge, make your story exactly 200 words (yes, yes I did this ;)

If you like my piece, head on over to Rach's site and 'Like' my entry, #39!


The door swung open and Magnolia-Rose stared into her dark closet where a purple fuzzy animal sat.
“Aren’t you supposed to be under my bed?” Maggie asked.
“You’re supposed to be under my bed.” Maggie stomped her feet. “You’re the monster, I’m the little girl and you’re supposed to scare me.”
Grrump whimpered.
“I know you like the closet. I know it’s roomy and you like sleeping on my dirty clothes, but my closet is not where you’re supposed to spend the night.”
Grrump unrolled. His body lengthened until he stood twice as high as Maggie. A white horn protruded from between two red and black eyes.
“Go,” Maggie poked Grrump in the belly and pointed toward the bed. “Go do your job.”
Grrump moo-ed and wobbled toward the bed. His flat feet crunched over blocks scattered across the ground. Bending down, he began to slide under the bed until his horn stuck against the bed-frame. “Too big,” he said.
“But you have to fit.” Maggie gripped the closet door.
The spikes on Grrump’s back swung as he made his way across the room to huddle on top of Maggie’s dirty clothes.
Maggie screamed and the door swung shut.

02 September 2011

Quality vs Quantity

I believe in my current WIP, but the really interesting thing is that I can't seem to get the words out. I sit down to write and only 500 words come out. After thinking it through, I realized that it's okay. Writing 500-1500 words a day is perfectly fine.

It's quality vs quantity.

With Guardians, I wrote at least 2k a day and finished it in a month, so I get the quantity thing. Every word I write though on this new WIP- I want it to be just the right word, just the right phrasing.

Quality. CP (this WIP) is all about quality writing and I like it like that.

What do you guys think? Do you tend to sway toward quality or quantity?